Virtual Disconnect and Black Friday

With Thanksgiving here it’s important to spend time with loved ones. Whether its with family, friends, pets, etc. This year, I’ll be traveling to the country side of Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. During this time, we will be disconnecting from the computer. It’s important to disconnect from…

Life of a Minimalist: It Won’t Be Easy, But It’ll Be Worth It.

One important thing to note is that minimalism varies for everyone. What one person considers to be minimalist, another may consider to be indulgent and another may consider frugal. What’s more is there will always be someone feeling the need to voice their opinions about your new life changes. I’ve…

Minimalist Packing – VLOG

Last week I headed to Ohio. Before going, I needed to pack, of course. I made the decision to let my new lifestyle carry over to Ohio, by limiting what I took with me. You can see everything in the video below. The video is shaky so you can treat…

Keep Clutter To A Minimum In The Office

I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to work from home but even though I do, I still face many of the same challenges that working in an office can pose to minimalism.  For me, I work better when I have a clean desk and area – my mind…

How to declutter sentimental items

How to Declutter Sentimental Items – Keeping the Memory

This is one of the hardest topics to address when discussing a life of simplicity and minimalism: how to declutter sentimental items. It’s hard because sentimental items tend to be cherished and many do not wish to “abandon” the memories tied to the item. I bring this topic up now…

Change Is Coming To The Minimalism Is Simple Blog

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein Change is coming! Nothing huge, yet, but we hope the new changes are beneficial to our constantly growing fan base. Besides, isn’t that what this blog…

How To Live Simply

I always think back to my childhood and visiting my mom’s parents – my maternal grandparents.  They lived very simply while raising 4 kids in a small house that used to actually be a goat house.  When I think back, It really gets me to thinking how truly simple life…

How To Find Your Passion To Work From Home

So many people would like to work from home but are not sure what the first step is or where to start. I get asked so often how I decided what business I would operate and how to get started that I thought I would write an article to help…

Minimalist Life: Big Success In Minimalism In My Home

Today was a huge accomplishment. Today was the day I walked into my living room and realized I could see every surface. I walked into the dining room and there was nothing but a table and centerpiece. I walked into my kitchen where only two cabinets hold dishes and pots,…

What Is Minimalism? One Person’s Definition of Minimalism

What is minimalism?  Minimalism means different things to different people.  One thing that I keep seeing almost suggests that minimalism is living without anything or at least being on the lower side of income earners.  Minimalism is NOT poverty. What minimalism means to me – a 51 year old woman…

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