Minimalism Definition. A Few Thoughts.

Many of us have jumped on board of one fad or another. The term “hipster” was coined for those who seem to be looped in with some of the more common fads flowing today. These fads circulate the globe, starting in one location and ultimately ending in another as much…

finding happiness by choosing to be happy

Finding Happiness by Choosing to be Happy

Finding Happiness by Choosing to be Happy Happiness is a choice. Too often people seek happiness in sources that can only provide empty happiness or temporary happiness. That momentary moment of bliss is shortly replaced by the lonely or sad feelings that existed beforehand. I am no stranger to these…

Aly’s Trip To New Zealand – Pre-New Zealand

Last year I was lucky enough to have the experience to travel to New Zealand. I spent two weeks overseas, exploring the city of Auckland. Before I had even ventured into my new life of minimalism, I had already begun the practice during this trip. For two weeks I lived…

Minimalism Isn’t Just For Unattached People

Contrary to what you may believe or have heard, a life of minimalism isn’t just for those who are unattached. Often times when you hear about minimalism you think of the unattached person with less than a hundred belongings traveling the world. A nomad. Although for some choosing a life…

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