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Finding Happiness by Choosing to be Happy
Happiness is a choice.
Too often people seek happiness in sources that can only provide empty happiness or temporary happiness. That momentary moment of bliss is shortly replaced by the lonely or sad feelings that existed beforehand. I am no stranger to these feelings. I too have felt the emptiness, the sadness, the boredom of constant day to day routine. I’ve thought about what it would be like to escape to a foreign country, abandon my life, or how happy I could be if only I were rich. (We recommend this post: How To Pay Off Debt By Living Simply) The fact is that I could achieve all those things, but still be unhappy. But why? And how can someone change that? It’ll take work and patience, but it is possible. The real question is: how badly do you want it and are you willing to make a change in order to achieve it?
You must make a change:
If you’re unhappy in your current situation, change it. Yes, that is easier said than done. And no, that does not mean to go out tomorrow quit your job and run. Take baby steps to changing your situation. If you loathe your job, look for a new one. You can search local ads, talk to local businesses, etc. When you’ve found a job you feel you can be happy with then you’re already a step further than you thought you would be.
One of the biggest items to change is yourself. If you are not happy with the way you look and feel, it’s time to change that. Invest in your happiness by investing in your health. Go for walks, join a gym, and be active. Stop focusing on things that may be “wrong” with you, and begin to love yourself. You’re beautiful, remember that. If you need to write that on your mirror as a daily reminder, do so.
Stop Relying on Others for your Happiness.
People are unpredictable, and should never be relied on to give you happiness. If your happiness is created from relying on others, how will you feel if that person suddenly left your life? You must rely only on yourself for happiness. Get involved in hobbies you enjoy, practice meditation or yoga if that makes you happy. That said, do not cut yourself off from your friends and family. You can find happiness in yourself and share it with others.
You’re Only as Happy as you allow yourself to be.
You are the sole resource behind causing yourself grief or pleasure. Someone can do something to disappoint you, but it’s your choice on whether you’ll allow that action to affect you. You can choose to ignore a negative action or to respond to it. Just like YOU decide whether you are happy.
Are you ready to be happy? Say it out loud. Announce to yourself that you are ready to make the changes necessary to achieve happiness, and then do so!
For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).
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