Asian culture and Minimalism

I recently read about some unique features Asian culture has. It makes our view of minimalism seem extravagant. In Japan they have hotels that only offer the most basic needs. These hotels, called Capsule Hotels, are small rooms roughly the size of a coffin. They offer their visitor just enough…

Minimalism At Its Best – How To Work From Home

You tend to view life different at 50 than you did at 20 but one thing has been a constant in my life has been my goal to find a way how to work from home.  I did it.  It wasn’t easy so if you are looking for easy, you…

Simplify Your Home: 100 Things I Don’t Miss

Simplify your home and life. During the process of binging my home, I’ve come across a fair share of items that I just realistically know I don’t need. Items that are broken and I’ve held onto for one reason or another, or items that I purchased on a whim and…

Minimalism: Why Didn’t I Find This Path 30 Years Ago?

As I am making my way down the minimalism path, I find myself thinking that I wish that I had found this path 30 years ago.  My life today would be drastically different.  I am, however, at a very different place in my life now but back then, I found…

Challenging the way you think about minimalism

Do you have 100 items or less? An iphone? An all white house? Not a single item out of place in your home and nothing “unnecessary”? So what! Before you begin jumping to conclusion that minimalism is not for you simply because you have 101 items, a fancy iphone or…

How to declutter your office

A Minimalists Office – How to Declutter Your Office

How to Declutter Your Office What are some of your most used rooms? Chances are you listed off your bedroom, bathroom, and maybe your kitchen or living room. But what about your office? Chances are you spent several hours a day in this space, especially if you work from home….

is minimalism for you

Minimalist Lifestye: Is Minimalism Right For You?

Is Minimalism Right For You? Do you find yourself caught wishing you had more money, time, or energy for the more important items in your life? Do you wish you didn’t have so many bills expenses? Do you find yourself constantly trying to keep up with the Jones or Smiths,…

Minimalism: Cleaning Your Life

There’s still plenty left for me to do in my home to prepare for my new life in minimalism. I still have the hardest rooms left to tackle, my bedroom included. The rooms that carry the most memories and items. But during this process came another one, the process of…

stop worrying about the joneses minimalismissimple

Eliminate the need to “keep up” thru a life of minimalism

We all know the sayings, there’s always someone to keep up with. And I’m sure we’re all aware of the consequences from keeping up with such-and-such. That $400 car payment, $300 credit card payment, $1000 mortgage payment, etc. is plenty proof of the consequences. Next thing you know you’re spending…

how to simplify your life. taking the first steps toward a minimalist lifestyle. minimalismissimple

How to Simplify Life: The First Step into Minimalism

The Why: I discovered I have too much “stuff”. I discovered I’m not living the way someone “should” to be happy. I place these items in “” as these vary from person to person. There are no set rules on how someone should behave, should live, and what items can…

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