Life of a Minimalist: It Won’t Be Easy, But It’ll Be Worth It.

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One important thing to note is that minimalism varies for everyone. What one person considers to be minimalist, another may consider to be indulgent and another may consider frugal. What’s more is there will always be someone feeling the need to voice their opinions about your new life changes.

I’ve found that during my transition I’ve received a wide range of questions. From “But – why?!” to “How do you do it?” I’ve had some ask me if I find it difficult or lonely, or if my house is entirely empty. I’ve even received some comments of people saying I’m not doing enough, that I still own too much stuff for a minimalist lifestyle – to them I say “I’m just starting my journey – and this journey is what makes me happy, not what makes you happy.”

As I stated above, it’s important to realize that what works for me and makes me happy may not necessarily work for you. I still have plenty left to do, but I’ve found my transition to be enlightening and exciting. I’ve found that every item I remove from my home brings me a sense of relief and even pleasure. I keep telling myself that it’s one less item I need to worry about and care for or clean. It’s one less item I’ll need to pack when I move, and one more dollar I’m saving by not having to rent a moving truck.

I still have clothing to sort through, and some miscellaneous items to decide if I’m keeping, but my home has come a long way since I started: I’ve slimmed my kitchen down from 12 cabinets to 4. I’ve gone from 5 closets stuffed to their max, to 3 closets – one still full (my bedroom closet which will soon join the list of empty), the other two have been organized and decluttered (bathroom cabinet/closet and hallway closet). The majority of the items still left to be sorted through fit on my guest room bed, and everyday I remove another item. I’ve completed a very successful yard sale, and donated everything that remained. If I were to move tomorrow it would still be a bit difficult, but I’m hoping one day to be able to do just that. I’ve moved a total of 10 times in the past 6 years, and it has never been that easy for me. I am setting my home up so that if something were to happen and I needed to move the very next day, I could do so easily.

For some, that may not be what you are striving for – and again, what works for me may not work for you. There is one thing all of us seem to be striving for though, and that is happiness. We are eliminating our clutter to make room for the more important things. We are limiting what we are spending so we don’t feel the stress of an empty bank account. And we are spending less time on cleaning and caring for our “stuff” and spending more time on ourselves and with friends and family. We are learning, together, that acquiring possessions does not mean acquiring happiness, but rather happiness is acquired by spending time with those you love most doing what makes you happy. And at the end of each day that is what matters most.


For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

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