Optimistic: Staying Positive

We’ve officially survived yet another “End of the world” scenario. And, of course, yet another one has surfaced. It makes me wonder why there is such an obsession with the world ending? Why do we seem to dwell on the negatives rather than the positives? If we were told two…

20 Tips to Stop Worrying

Holidays are meant to be fun, exciting, and spent with loved ones but often they become hectic, cluttered, and stressful. We become agitated, antsy, and impatient when stress hits us, not to mention the risk of weight gain and other mood swings that stress brings along. I’m one of the…

Life of a Minimalist: It Won’t Be Easy, But It’ll Be Worth It.

One important thing to note is that minimalism varies for everyone. What one person considers to be minimalist, another may consider to be indulgent and another may consider frugal. What’s more is there will always be someone feeling the need to voice their opinions about your new life changes. I’ve…

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