The Best Gift For The Holidays

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. It is hard to believe that 2012 is almost over, isn’t it? I am in a really good place today and hope you are too. What is the best gift for the holidays? More time with loved one. A life of minimalism has helped…

Optimistic: Staying Positive

We’ve officially survived yet another “End of the world” scenario. And, of course, yet another one has surfaced. It makes me wonder why there is such an obsession with the world ending? Why do we seem to dwell on the negatives rather than the positives? If we were told two…

My Journey Into Minimalism Is A Personal Journey

Many of you that regularly visit our blog also visit us on our Facebook page where we have a fantastic community of like minded friends – most of the time.  (If you haven’t visited our page yet, please stop by here – Minimalism Is Simple.)  Once in a while, unfortunately,…

20 Tips to Stop Worrying

Holidays are meant to be fun, exciting, and spent with loved ones but often they become hectic, cluttered, and stressful. We become agitated, antsy, and impatient when stress hits us, not to mention the risk of weight gain and other mood swings that stress brings along. I’m one of the…

Buying a House Pros and Cons: Renting vs. Buying

To Buy A House, Or Not? Whether or not you choose to be minimalist, eventually you may find yourself asking this question. On the one hand you’ve got the minimalist who travels and only carries a backpack. On the other hand you have the minimalist who enjoys a life on…

Money Saving Tips For The Holidays

This year, we will not be participating in the traditional gift giving. In fact, we did a tradeoff this year, and decided  to give a gift basket to a family in need, rather than spend too much money on each other. Not everyone will want to go this route, and…

Make This Holiday Season Memorable

This article was originally posted on HubPages. We wanted to keep everything in one location, so we moved it here as well.   Why Choose A Minimalist Holiday? Every year millions of dollars are spent to accumulate gifts, and every year millions of people find themselves owing more than they…

Minimalism: Avoiding the Allure of the Marketing Efforts

Flashy signs, catchy songs, and low prices – marketing efforts at its finest. It’s easy to fall into the purchasing trap when you’re bombarded by so many seemingly great deals for items you supposedly need. And they certainly make it easy to become caught up in the deals. Marketers are…

enjoy minimalist life with pets minimalismissimple

Enjoy a life of minimalism – with pets!

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ― Anatole France We love our pets. They’re furry, cute, cuddly, and loyal. We treasure them and love them, and the bond between us grows every day. But with owning pets comes “stuff.”  Dog beds, toys, medicine,…

Tis The Season Of Excess

Yes, it is that time of year again – the season of excess.  Now that I have been on my minimalism journey for some time, just thinking of this time of year and how I used to go so crazy trying to get everyone every item on their gift list…

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