Why Clean Up Your Personal Items

As I write this, I am in Ohio. As you may or may not know, my mother-in-law has been suffering from lung cancer. Last week she lost the battle. Even though it is very hard to lose a loved one, we all wanted her to let go so that she…

Minimalist Decor : Minimalism In The Home (Part 2)

Our Post (Minimalist Decor : Minimalism In The Home) was the number 3 most visited post from 2012! It was so popular, we decided to do a part two. Minimalist Decor: Minimalism In The Home features a series of our top favorite minimalist homes. The clean, functional, and attractive spaces…

How To Downsize Your Wardrobe MinimalismIsSimple.com

Downsizing Your Wardrobe – Decluttering Clothes

There’s been a lot of talk over on our Facebook page lately about clothing. Big kudos to our Facebook Fans that have been decluttering clothes and have significantly downsized in their wardrobe! Connect with them and others on our Facebook page.  If you are ready to start your minimalist wardrobeyou…

My Minimalist Lifestyle Has Helped Me Lose Weight

I’ve been gradually making my way down the minimalist pathway and have noticed an amazing side benefit. The minimalist lifestyle that I now live has helped me to lose weight. Can you imagine my surprise when I realized that this new journey is helping me to be healthier and more…

Minimalism In The Garage – Decluttering Your Garage

We don’t have a garage anymore, thankfully, but I remember growing up with one. And I remember being bribed to clean it. But even my attempts to organize the space weren’t the greatest successes. It was the one space in the house that everyone dreaded stepping into. At one point…

Minimalist Living With A Non-Minimalist. Oh Boy

I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of support to the post about our family member in stage 4 lung cancer.  It is a rough time for our family but the support we received after the post told us that we have a warm, concerned community.  It also told…

Why Minimalism Is Better – At Least For Me

This is going to be a very personal post from me on why minimalism is better for me at this time in my life.  I may be very candid at some points but please understand that this is my perspective. Many of you know from reading our blog, that I…

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013 – Minimalist New Year

Happy Minimalist New Year! Welcome to 2013! 2012 was a year full of challenges, experiences, successes, and happiness and I’m excited to tackle 2013. Today is the day to embrace the new year. Summary of 2012 2012 was the year we decided to embrace simplicity. It was the year we opened…

Minimalism in Life: A New Minimalist You?

Another year has gone by and we find ourselves knocking on the door to 2013. Are you ready? Are we ever really ready? Every year as we come closer and closer to January 1 of the next year, I clean. I clean, clean, clean. Last year was the first in…

Declutter Your Bathroom Today – Safe and Easy!

Bathrooms don’t get too cluttered, thankfully, but they are one of the dirtiest rooms in our homes. Bacteria, garbage, and bodily fluids all seem to accumulate in this area. After decluttering and sanitizing my bathroom, the room has managed to stay the cleanest and least clutter space in my home…

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