How To Be A Minimalist – Moving Into A New Home

There’s always that initial excitement when you move. You have the anticipation of being in a new place, the stress of the actual moving process, and the joy of actually being in your new home. Being a minimalist (or just living simpler) has it’s perks by helping alleviate the stress…

The Downsides of Clutter

I spent most of my Saturday evening vigorously typing away. I had found my inspiration and muse, and did not want to waste it. The thing was, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to get that motivation when I was at home. I would set my computer…

minimalist lifestyle how to declutter your kitchen

Minimalist Lifestyle: How To Declutter Your Kitchen

Dishes, pans, silverware, etc. – our kitchens are riddled with clutter. Although it may not be the most cluttered room in your home, many times the kitchen is at the top of our lists. Let’s take back these spaces so we can use them as intended: creating beautiful meals, entertaining…

Did The Start Part, Stop You From Moving Forward?

Minimalism – sounds like such a wonderfully, simplistic world doesn’t it? However, getting there? Not so simple some days as we make our way through years of stuff that we have accumulated.  Lifestyle changes from how we grew up also not so simple. So how far are you?  Let us…

how to eliminate the just in case mentality

Eliminating the Just In Case Mentality

As I am making my way through the closets in my house, I have caught myself falling into the trap of “Should I keep this just in case?”  How many times have you caught yourself falling into the just in case mentality of keeping things “just in case” you may…

Minimalism Misconception – Decorating Your Home

One question I’ve received multiple times from friends curious about the minimalist lifestyle is “How do you decorate? Are you even allowed to decorate?” Of course you can! You’re allowed to do whatever you want – as far as I can tell there are no set rules for minimalism. There’s…

Be In The Moment, Happiness Is Right Now

It was a wonderful weekend in North Florida with the days starting off chilly but warming by afternoon.  I was feeling very stressed last week and by Friday evening, was not in much of a mood to do anything but sleep – I was that tired.  Have you ever felt…

Friendships and Happiness

There comes a point in our lives where a new person enters and an old one leaves. Sometimes these people become our friends. Sometimes they become family, or coworkers, or acquaintances. Whatever the reason, they enter our lives and they teach us. And when the time is over, they leave…

Minimalists Want A Better World

Driving back with my husband from Cleveland after a funeral and the Phil Collins song, Land of Confusion is on the radio. I’m a child of the 70’s and 80’s but listening to the song today felt like I was listening to it for the first time. The song talks…

Minimalism For Young Adults – Why I’m Making The Change Now

Although this post is from my perspective (a “young 20-something”), I hope even those older and wiser than I can see the benefits a minimalist and simplistic lifestyle brings. It’s never too late to start! I may be young, but I feel that is beneficial for me when it comes…

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