Minimalist Decor: Minimalism In The Home – Kitchens

Our Minimalist Decor series will feature a different room, posted once a month. Today we’re focusing on some of our favorite minimalist and simply decorated kitchens. Clean, elegant, formal, or eclectic – these kitchens are the perfect spot to create a great meal. Have you seen a minimalist kitchen that…

Use The Road Less Traveled

Growing up, whenever someone would say this to me, I never understood it. In my mind, I thought “But, why?” Why would I want to take the road that no one else takes? Why would I want to go the long way? Etc. It seems silly now, but back then…

Become A Professional Organizer

Wow! When I posted the other day about my journey to becoming a professional organizer, I wasn’t expecting the amount of feedback that I received. It seems I’m not the only one with the interest. 🙂 I decided to do a quick post today on what I’ve been doing to…

The Triple 15.

Introducing the Triple 15 Challenge! We’ve gone back and forth a few times, debating on if we wanted to do another challenge, but the 30 Day Challenge was such a hit we thought ‘Why not?’ I’ve personally completed our 30 day challenge several times, and it’s a great refresher for…

Tips and Tricks from my Professional Organizing Training

Now you’ll not only get our personal experiences you’ll also be receiving tips and tricks from a professional organizer, right here on our blog! While I’ve been training to become a certified professional organizer, I’ve learned quite a few tricks that have been tremendously helpful in my day-to-day life, and…

Calm and Mindful Driving

Hi.  My name is Denise and I have to be honest, I have road rage.  My road rage isn’t as bad as it used to be but occasionally it rises to the top and I have a very hard time getting back to calm and mindful driving.  Being calm and…

A Minimalist Wardrobe

One of the questions we get the most is about having a minimalist wardrobe.  What exactly is a minimalist wardrobe?  The answer is as unique as the person asking the question.  There is no one answer to what qualifies as a minimalist wardrobe. When I was working in a corporate…

Send us your stories!

We want to hear from you! It’s so inspirational to read the changes others are making by downsizing, decluttering, and living simply. So tell us your story! We’ll feature one story every other week on our blog (for as long as the stories keep rolling in), starting July 1st. Include…

Making Progress Toward Your Minimalist Lifestyle? Be Aware.

I have to tell you that I’m LOVING my minimalist lifestyle. I have more time, more money, and best of all? More freedom. One of the best side benefits of my new lifestyle is that I have lost weight. I have lost more than 35 pounds over the past year….

Build Meaningful Relationships

You likely have more relationships than you can count on your hands. This includes not just your romantic tangles, but all the other small relationships you build every day. Relationships occur with just about everyone you meet. You have work relationships, romantic relationships, friendly relationships, family relationships, etc. You even…

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