Life of a Minimalist – Minimalism Is A Mindset

When I tell people that I am a minimalist, they look at me like I just landed on Earth from Mars.  It’s quite funny actually.  THEN they ask me what is a minimalist.  I tell them that minimalism is a conscious decision to live life simply and step away from…

Why I Quit Corporate America – And Never Looked Back

I think the best decision I ever made professionally was to walk away from corporate America.   March 2003 is when I made the decision to be self employed and launched my own business.  Some days I thought to myself what am I doing?  But then other days when I…

Small Business Ideas For Minimalists

Of the great comments we receive, one of the ones we receive the most is how did I decide on my small business that allows me to live my minimalist lifestyle on my terms.  That’s right – my terms.  There are many minimalists out there and if you ask them,…

How To Start Your Minimalist Wardrobe

How To Start Your Minimalist Wardrobe

So you have been traveling the minimalist path for some now and it’s time to tackle the closet and design your minimalist wardrobe. Are you unsure of how to start your minimalist wardrobe? This essay is the one that will get you moving forward because this is one of the hardest things…

Establish A System – A Minimalist Office

Last week we discussed the challenges we face by having a cluttered office, and how to remove the distractions and clutter. Today we’ll talk about how to prevent this from happening again and putting a system in place in order to keep your office efficient and easier to work with….

Minimalism And Self Employment The Perfect Choice

Many ask how do I justify minimalism and being a business owner and the response I always have is it is the perfect choice.  Why would you not want to own your own business and be self employed?  There are so many advantages particularly when it comes to living a…

Eco Friendly Cleaning Products and Alternatives

We’re always discussing doing things that not only make us happy but that are also healthy. We’ve loaded our blog up with information on how to declutter and tips to stop tying our emotions to our things. We’ve discussed our diets before and going out and exercising. But it dawned…

Minimalist Lifestyle – A Journey Of Baby Steps

When talking to folks, one of the most common questions people ask me is how did I become a minimalist. I think the perception that people have of minimalists is one that is very extreme but the truth of the matter is everyone’s minimalist lifestyle is different.  For me, I’m…

Minimalist Wardrobe – Where Should You Start?

Over the years, I’ve gotten very good at creating a timeless wardrobe with very few items and am often asked how I always look so pulled together.  The funny thing is most people do not realize that what they think is an extensive wardrobe is actually a minimalist wardrobe that…

Recycling Old Furniture – Ecofriendly and affordable.

I’ll admit – I LOVE interior design. I debated heavily in college whether that was the route I should go. A beautifully decorated space was comparable to art in my mind, and I wanted to be a part of that. In an ironic turn of events, I wound up on…

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