Eco Friendly Cleaning Products and Alternatives

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We’re always discussing doing things that not only make us happy but that are also healthy. We’ve loaded our blog up with information on how to declutter and tips to stop tying our emotions to our things. We’ve discussed our diets before and going out and exercising. But it dawned on me about a month ago that one thing we’ve hardly touched on is something that is in many of our daily lives. Chances are you’ve used or have been around some form of cleaning solution. Especially when we’re decluttering, one of the first things we do upon emptying a space is thoroughly clean it. 

I’m  a bit of a neat freak at times. I used to have about a dozen or two dozen cleaning items in my home and a habit of grabbing a Lysol wipe to clean the counters almost daily. But upon digging further, I’ve realized that many of the cleaning items I use are just not healthy, even the ones you might not have known about! I had no idea that a solution such as Pine Sol or Lysol could cause sickness or worse in some smaller animals (I’ve now stopped using these products as I have a ferret in my home), or that you could have a serious allergy to a laundry detergent such as Tide (Denise can vouch for this one!). Of course you can have an allergy to many common items, but it’s still amazing how many products out there label themselves as safe but are really loaded with harmful ingredients. It’s also a scary thought when you think about the fact that those in your household are being exposed to these items.

What do you do to ensure you’re doing good when you’re cleaning?
It’s important not only to simplify your home but also the things you use in it. As a general rule of thumb, if you pick up a bottle of something and don’t understand the majority of the ingredients listed, it may be time to do a little research to find out exactly what these ingredients are doing. OR you can just skip all that and look for items that have ingredients you know. 

Over the past month I have been a “guinea pig” to dozens of homemade cleaning products trying to find the healthiest and safest options for my household. I finally found some great eco friendly cleaning products that are handmade by small business owners and are all natural, vegan, or organic. Many of the products I use now have VERY simple ingredients, including essential oils, baking soda, olive oil, soy, and other simple and commonly known items.

But if you’d rather not use any cleaners at all it’s good to know that many of the common household cleaners can be completely eliminated from your home and a simple solution you whip up can easily replace these (and be just as effective)! Vinegar, for example, is a powerful cleaner that you might not have known about. Lemon is another one. Eliminate Lysol wipes by using lemon essential oils, distilled water and a soft cloth. Replace your laundry detergent with a mixture that includes Baking Soda and bars of soap. You may be surprised by how much cleaner, safer, and cheaper this route is in the long run! And we’re always looking for ways to not spend when we don’t need to.

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