8 Tips To Stop Procrastinating

Do you often find yourself pushing off a task for hours/days at a time? Yeah, we’ve been there once or twice as well. Procrastination definitely takes hold of even the best of us at times. But when you need to get something done, finding that motivation is important. For example,…

Want To Start A Business To Complement Your Minimalist Lifestyle?

Where I Started I think the number one question we get here at Minimalism Is Simple from most folks is how I started my businesses especially once they find out about my minimalist lifestyle. People have a difficult time reconciling business owner and minimalist. To me, they are very complimentary…

Find Your Motivation To Live A Minimalist Lifestyle

I am asked so many times what made me decide to live a minimalist lifestyle and the answer is actually a simple one. The answer is because it’s better for me and where I am on my journey in my life.  And it has been a journey.  The way I…

how to build minimalist habits minimalismissimple.com

How To Build Minimalist Lifestyle Habits

Have you adopted a minimalist lifestyle? Want to keep it that way? Creating habits is the way to go but keep in mind that it is very easy to slip back into old ways if you are not paying close attention. It’s happened to me and luckily I caught it…

7 tips to help you on your minimalist journey minimalism is simple

Tips To Help You On Your Minimalist Journey

Stumped and not sure where to turn next on your minimalist journey?  Relax.  It’s not a race and what works for someone else may not work for you.  You are on your journey and your journey is unique to you.  You need to proceed at a pace YOU are comfortable…

Debating On A Minimalist Lifestyle? Now Is The Time.

Have you been researching a minimalist lifestyle?  Intrigued but not sure you want to make the switch?  What is holding you back? I have a few stats for you that may make you think otherwise: Total US household debt is $13 TRILLION  – that’s TRILLION! 15% of Americans are going…

Minimalism In The Office

So are you loving your minimalist lifestyle? I certainly am. I feel so much freer and happier than I ever did accumulating so much C R A P. I’ve also taking my minimalism into my office as I found that minimalist principles are perfect for work and I really work…

Downsizing Your Home Enhances A Minimalist Lifestyle

One of the many good things about this site is that you get both ends of the minimalist lifestyle spectrum.  You get my “wiser” perspective in that it’s taken me about 30 years to get to where I currently am and you get my girl’s perspective and how they have…

My Minimalist Lifestyle Gave Me More Money

Do you know what the quickest way is to putting more money in your pocket?  Spend less.  No two ways about it. Doesn’t matter if you make $100,000 or $50,000 or even $20,000  annually, you can give yourself an immediate raise by spending less.  The minimalist lifestyle helps with spending…

How Do I Get Organized At Home? Top Items You Can Declutter Now!

When trying to become more organized the first thing you’ll need to do is downsize what you keep on hand. One of the biggest reasons why someone would have difficulty being organized has to do with the amount of belongings they have cluttering a specific space. So how about a…

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