can money buy happiness

Yes Money Does Buy Happiness

Yes Money Does Buy Happiness This is the time of year that many of us minimalists truly dread. One of my recent posts was about the season of excess – and I stand by that post.  Today, however, my post is from the other side of the coin and how…

how to let go of your stuff

Learning To Let Go… Of Stuff

Reprint of one of our most popular articles.  How to let go of STUFF! With the Black Friday splurges over, we’re now approaching the next holidays for excess: Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. This holiday season instead of counting on the possessions you’ll be receiving, why not instead let go of what…

Black Friday Craziness

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving for my family this year.  Both my daughters were able to come home and our family was complete for the first time in 3 years I believe.  In the past couple of years, one or both of my daughters were working through the holidays so…

Minimalism and the Season of Excess

This year seems to be literally flying by and it got me to thinking today that the holidays are upon us first with Thanksgiving then with Christmas and New Year’s.  I no longer think of this time of year as the holidays – I think of it as the season…

Excerpt from NEW Minimalism 30 Day Challenge eBook

We’re less than 2 weeks away now from releasing the 30 Day Challenge eBook!! We’re giving you another sneak peek into the book and a few more details about the launch. About the book: Join us on November 15th for the official launch of the 30 Day Challenge eBook. You…

minimal living bathroom

Minimalist Living Bathroom

Every day, I take 15 minutes mid-day to reflect on the morning and to get ready creatively for the afternoon.  Knowing today was a day I had planned to write an essay for this blog on minimalist living, I felt my mind wandering during my 15 minute contemplation.  First I…

Freedom With My Minimalist Lifestyle

Many of you know that my (Denise) journey into a minimalist lifestyle came later in life.  One thing I truly did not expect to experience with this lifestyle is the sense of freedom I now have and the sense of peace that came with this freedom.  It’s a wonderful feeling…

Minimalist Lifestyle: How To Let Go Of Fear

Fear (verb): to be afraid of (something or someone); to expect or worry about (something bad or unpleasant); to be afraid and worried. ( Have you experienced that crippling and paralyzing emotion that causes you to sweat in places you won’t name? We’ve all been there at one point or…

How Minimalism Can Increase Productivity

My Minimalist Lifestyle Increased My Productivity

Increasing Your Productivity It has always been easier for me to work in an uncluttered environment but I never realize how much more productive my minimalist lifestyle would make me.  Like most other people, I still had quite a bit of “stuff” on my desk and in my office before…

Share Your Story: Sheila

Once a month we’re posting a featured story from one of our readers. Each post touches on how they got started with minimalism or simple living, what inspired them to make the change, and any other little tidbits they’d like to provide. If you’d like to be a featured story, please…

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