Minimalist Lifestyle: How To Let Go Of Fear

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Fear (verb): to be afraid of (something or someone); to expect or worry about (something bad or unpleasant); to be afraid and worried. (

Have you experienced that crippling and paralyzing emotion that causes you to sweat in places you won’t name? We’ve all been there at one point or another. Right now I’m in the process of putting the final touches on our 30-Day Challenge eBook and it has definitely not been an easy going experience. There’s been times where I panic slightly, worrying if what I’m writing will truly help someone out there or if I’m just spewing words onto paper. It’s moments like those I become a bit of a crazy woman and can be found talking to myself in a bathroom mirror.

Writing the 30-Day Challenge eBook has been incredibly rewarding, and the response we’re receiving by those opting in to the email list has been very encouraging. This brings me to my first point: You have to find the positive to get over the negative. The number one reason fear wins is because we allow our negative thoughts to take priority in our mind. There’s a saying, and you’ve likely heard it before, “You are in charge of your own mind.” If you allow the negative to take over your mind, you’re going to experience it mentally and physically, and may even begin to change your environment. That negative may even prompt a negative outcome, something no one wants.

If we treat our negative thoughts just like we treat an item in our house we no longer need (you acknowledge it, realize you don’t want/need it, and then get rid of it) we’ll be in a better place both mentally and physically.  When a negative thought crosses your mind, acknowledge the thought and then throw it away. Do not allow that negative thought to set up camp and get comfortable in your head.

For those instances where that fear provoking thought begins to settle, we must take action immediately to separate ourselves from it. The longer that thought lingers in your mind the more it’s going to affect you, just like being in a bad relationship. It’s time we “break up” with the fear. Start by listing the reasons the fear is unjustified. Recognize your life will be significantly healthier without it. Occupy yourself with something you find pleasure in (yoga, reading, wine tasting). Or you could just give the fear that old “It’s not you, it’s me” line and hope it takes the hint.

Once you’re free of the fear, you’re free to experience life in a positive and refreshing light. Step outside of your mind and take a deep calming breath, count to ten, and then give that fear the boot!




For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

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