7 levels of minimalists minimalismissimple.com

The 7 Stages of Minimalists

Today’s post is just for fun! Enjoy! The 7 Stages of Minimalists – which stage do you fall under? CURIOSITY – Those who fall into the CURIOSITY stage may have just discovered minimalism and the benefits of living with less. At this stage, you’re fascinated with the idea and you…

Minimalist Lifestyle and Working From Home

The main question I always get when people find out I’m self-employed and work from home, is how was I able to make it happen.  Many dream of owning their own business but never get to the next step of actually doing it.  My journey to being able to work…

how to change your mindset minimalismissimple.com

Minimalist Mindset: How To Change Your Mindset

It’s time for some tough love today. Too often when we’re confronted with something new, whether it is something we want to or need to embrace, we immediately toss out the excuses on why it is “easier said than done,” or we’re “just not ready.” If you’re still using these…

why should you choose minimalist lifestyle minimalismissimple.com

Choosing The Minimalist Lifestyle

Choosing the Minimalist Lifestyle It has been a beautiful and fun weekend for me.  I enjoyed a 5K run for charity Saturday morning, hung out with the husband at home Saturday night and today, Sunday, has been a catch-up yet relaxing kind of day.  Life is good yet very simple….

Take Your Time On Your Minimalist Journey

Many folks get excited when they find out about my minimalist journey and often this excitement moves them to jump into their own minimalist – but often not successful – lifestyle.    Why are they not successful?  The reason is because they did not take the time to consider the…

Why You Should Declutter Electronics

Why You Should Declutter Electronics

When we think of decluttering we don’t often include electronics in the mix. Before you go another day ignoring your electronics during your decluttering sessions, here are three reasons you should declutter electronics: One of the biggest reasons we hold on to electronics is because we focus on the price…

downsize in supersize world minimalismissimple.com

Downsizing In A Supersized World

I am not a big television watcher but I do watch an hour or so in the evenings.  I tend to stay away from the news because there is never anything good being reported on the news and I find it quite depressing actually.  We have to watch our thoughts…

8 ways to embrace minimalism minimalismissimple.com

8 Simple Ways To Embrace Minimalism

The articles are floating everywhere: “How to spring clean!”, “Quick Tips to Spring Cleaning!”, and so on. I swear every time I log on to email, that little header on the side is featuring some form of quick scheme to clean your house (and sweeping everything under the bed is…

Minimalism A Trend?

My  mom visits each us each year to escape the cold winters in Cleveland, Ohio and she likes to watch “Good Morning America” while she’s drinking her coffee.  This morning as I was walking through the living room, mom was on the couch drinking her morning cup of coffee, watching…

How To Make Spring Cleaning Simple and Fast Minimalismissimple.com

Minimalism Makes Spring Cleaning Quick And Easy

It is already that time of year when many of us start – or at least start to THINK about Spring cleaning.  One of the best things that minimalism has done for me is decrease the amount of time that it takes to maintain my house no matter what season…

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