How Will You Feel When You Get Rid Of The Stuff

How will you feel when you get rid of the stuff?

Ahhhhhhh.  How does reading that make you feel?  For me that sound is a sound of peace and less stress after switching to a minimalist lifestyle.  Was the journey easy?  Absolutely not and it is not finished yet but every day I feel so much better with the decision to…

Simple Living Minimalism is Simple

Living Simple Equals Living Healthy and Happy

This is a saying that I love: “Instead of wondering when your next vacation will be, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.~ Seth Godin” So many of us keep thinking we need more and more to be happy when in realty what we…

Minimalist Lifestyle Plus Self Employment Perfect Match

Minimalist Lifestyle and Self Employment = Match Made In Heaven

As I’ve written many times, I am beyond blessed that I am self-employed and grateful for the life I live.  But if I were to do it again I would probably start  my minimalist journey before self-employment.  It would have made life so much simpler.  Every decision I make each…

how to live simply as a minimalist

Living Simple As A Minimalist

Think back to the first time you did something – anything at all.  Remember how awkward it felt the first time? The more you did it, the easier and smoother it became.  That is the perfect way to describe the change to living simply as a minimalist versus living as…

how minimalists can change the world

Minimalists Are Changing The World

There is a saying I use all the time with my fitness clients and that saying is it’s one thing to talk the talk but it’s a whole different story to walk the walk. This is just as true for minimalists and that we need to focus on changing the…


Decluttering the Bookshelves

I LOVE MY KINDLE!  I never thought I could love an inanimate object as much as I do my Kindle but I admit – I do.  Sounds silly doesn’t it for a minimalist to be in love with a thing right? Actually when you really think about it, a Kindle…

how to live a rich lifestyle

Minimalists Live A Rich Lifestyle

Rich.  How does that word make you feel?  Some people including many minimalists automatically feel negatively toward the word as if being rich is a bad thing and that being wealthy makes you a bad person.  Other folks are envious and strive to be rich – in the money sense…

Minimalist Lifestyle and Working From Home

The main question I always get when people find out I’m self-employed and work from home, is how was I able to make it happen.  Many dream of owning their own business but never get to the next step of actually doing it.  My journey to being able to work…

why should you choose minimalist lifestyle

Choosing The Minimalist Lifestyle

Choosing the Minimalist Lifestyle It has been a beautiful and fun weekend for me.  I enjoyed a 5K run for charity Saturday morning, hung out with the husband at home Saturday night and today, Sunday, has been a catch-up yet relaxing kind of day.  Life is good yet very simple….

Take Your Time On Your Minimalist Journey

Many folks get excited when they find out about my minimalist journey and often this excitement moves them to jump into their own minimalist – but often not successful – lifestyle.    Why are they not successful?  The reason is because they did not take the time to consider the…

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