My Minimalist Lifestyle Gave Me More Money

Do you know what the quickest way is to putting more money in your pocket?  Spend less.  No two ways about it. Doesn’t matter if you make $100,000 or $50,000 or even $20,000  annually, you can give yourself an immediate raise by spending less.  The minimalist lifestyle helps with spending…

Minimalism And Self Employment The Perfect Choice

Many ask how do I justify minimalism and being a business owner and the response I always have is it is the perfect choice.  Why would you not want to own your own business and be self employed?  There are so many advantages particularly when it comes to living a…

Minimalist Lifestyle – A Journey Of Baby Steps

When talking to folks, one of the most common questions people ask me is how did I become a minimalist. I think the perception that people have of minimalists is one that is very extreme but the truth of the matter is everyone’s minimalist lifestyle is different.  For me, I’m…

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