[Video] Adventures With Minimalism & Happiness

TedxTalks always has great presentations, but this one may be one of my favorites. “Since graduating from UofM, creative Marty has been living life as a filmmaker and traveler. His short films, music videos and commercials have taken him all over the world.” In this video, Marty shares how living…

you are not your stuff minimalismissimple.com

How To Live Minimally – You Are Not Your Stuff

Are you working to clear your living space room by room but finding it difficult to part with the some items?  We want to tell you that you are not the only one that has experienced this difficulty. Many times I still have this exact conversation with myself when I…

5 tips to liven up a space MinimalismIsSimple.com

Minimalist Interior Decor Does NOT Mean Boring – 5 Tips For Livening Up A Space

I have heard more times than I care to count that my home does not “look minimalist” because it is colorful and decorated – they usually tell me how uncluttered the space is in the same breath. Fact is, minimalist interior decor does not need to be boring in order…

Tiny Segment: Interview with Ruth Wagner – 260 Sq Ft Cabin Living

Today’s interview is with the wonderful Ruth Wagner about her tiny home. Ruth ventured into the woods and never wanted to leave! Now she’s enjoying a 260 sq ft cabin in the woods, and I have to say I’m in love! Read on to learn more! Aly: What is your sq. ft.?…

How to minimize your mailbox.

Whew! When I opened my mailbox Tuesday after the holiday, I was literally stunned by the amount of crap in there and the fact that there were zero bills.  Why? Because most of my bills are sent electronically to me.  There are two that I do receive hard copies of…

MIS Kindness Experiment – Get A Free Copy of the 30 Day Challenge Book

We’re giving away a few free copies of the MIS 30 Day Challenge book (the actual printed book), but there’s a catch. The winners of the books do not get to keep them, instead we’re conducting an experiment. We want to help as many people as possible, and we know…

Tiny Segment: Interview with Amy Randolph – Building A 160 Sq Ft Tiny House on Wheels

Today’s interview is with Amy Randolph, who is currently in the process of building a 160 sq ft tiny house on wheels! Amy has been downsizing and preparing herself for tiny house living for 3 years! Now she is just months away from being able to fully move into her new…

minimalism in the kids room minimalismissimple.com

Minimalist Decor: Minimalism In The Kids Room

Minimalism In The Kids Room Our Minimalist Decor series features a different room, posted once a month. Today we’re focusing on minimalism in the kids room! Kids rooms are notorious becoming glorified toy rooms, stuffed to the max with stuffed teddy bears, but not these spaces! Adorable, organized, and pretty…

The American Nightmare

White picket fence, 2500 sq ft house, $100k annual salary, big family, huge backyard, and the latest and greatest gadgets. Sounds like a dream come true – right? Nope. This image is engraved into us from the time we’re just babies. I can recall vividly the television shows I watched…

how to be a minimalist parent with happy kids minimalismissimple.com

Minimalist Lifestyle And Parenting = A Match Made In Heaven

Whenever I go to sit down and write about minimalism and raising kids, I’m quickly taken back to my own childhood.  We did not have a lot but we didn’t KNOW we didn’t have a lot. Things were much simpler then.  Mom stayed home with us and dad went to…

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