MIS Kindness Experiment – Get A Free Copy of the 30 Day Challenge Book

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We’re giving away a few free copies of the MIS 30 Day Challenge book (the actual printed book), but there’s a catch. The winners of the books do not get to keep them, instead we’re conducting an experiment. We want to help as many people as possible, and we know the resources for minimalism can be pretty limited, so we’re giving away physical copies of the book with a twist. Consider this an experiment of kindness.

If you “win” a copy of the book you can hold onto it for as long or as little as you feel you need, but don’t keep it. Once you’re done with the book, write your name and location in the back of the book and then give it away to the next person to help them on their journey. We don’t want to add to clutter; think of the book more as a textbook, you use it until you no longer need it and then the next student uses it. Make sure whoever you give the book to understands that they too must give it away once they’re ready, and they should sign their name and location in the back of the book. I’m curious to see where the books will travel and how many people they will help.

Currently we’re only giving the book out to a few people, but if the experiment goes over surprisingly well, we’ll give out more. Would you like to participate in our experiment? Send us an email to info@minimalismissimple.com. The first three people who email us will get a copy of the printed book. By accepting a copy of the book, you agree to the guidelines set above. Let’s make this a fun experiment full of kindness, and help more people embrace minimalism and simplicity.



For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

Purchase Your Copy on.... Amazon |  Nook   | Smashwords  | MIS Store

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