Living minimally reduces stress.

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There are many benefits to living minimally:

  • Less waste.
  • More money.
  • Less to clean.
  • Home easier to maintain.
  • More family time.
  • More time to do what you want to do instead of what you have to do.

how living simple can reduce stress

But one thing you may not have realized is that living minimally also enables you to reduce your stress. How?  When you take that anchor of needing to buy “stuff” off your foot, you find that you feel free. Free from having to keep up with the neighbors.  Free from having credit card bills arriving in your mailbox every week that you have to work even longer hours to pay.  Free to schedule your time your way because you are not spending long hours working to pay for things you purchased.  Just plain FREE.

Freedom equals less stress. (We recommend you read this article: Dear Stressed Stranger.) This freedom also allows you to really think about what you’re purchasing and why you’re purchasing it. After considering all angles and other options of your potential purchase, you make smarter buying decisions.  You research those larger purchases to make sure it’s a good fit for you and your lifestyle.  And you have the cash reserve to make that purchase.

Freedom is a direct result of your choice to live minimally and mindfully.  Ready to start?  It’s easy. Today, tell yourself that you are making a choice to live with less than what you have been living with. That’s it.  Don’t make it harder than it needs to be.

For me, it was a process.  I didn’t toss everything out of my house and live with 100 items. That’s not practical for me.  What I did do was make a choice to start my minimalist journey by removing clutter from one room at a time and not purchasing items that I didn’t NEED.  Meaning no more shopping for sport.  That’s it.  It’s been over 3 years now and I continue to move forward every day by living minimally and being present. You can too.




For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

Purchase Your Copy on.... Amazon |  Nook   | Smashwords  | MIS Store

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