“I’m Tired Of Being A Minimalist…”

tired of minimalist minimalismissimple.com

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Do you find yourself growing tired of, bored of, or frustrated with being a minimalist? This is normal; in fact I’ve been there myself. Just last week I posted an article on the 7 Stages of Minimalists, and one of the stages was “Avoidance.” There’s a reason for this. The fact is, being a minimalist and living a life with less can be hard work. While I love the benefits of being a minimalist, sometimes it can still be a struggle not to buy the latest and greatest gadgets that promise to make life easier. And, yes, I have fallen in to the consumerism trap a time or two.

Many people jump in to their new lifestyle expecting it to be amazing (a life changer), only to realize they have to put in significant effort to maintain their new lifestyle. Just like any lifestyle change, there will come a time where you may find yourself bored, tired, or frustrated and be tempted to give up. If you find yourself facing any of these traits, take a breather. It’s OK to step away from decluttering and organizing for a few days. Your home is not going to become overrun with clutter if you pause for a day or two.  tired of minimalist minimalismissimple.com

In addition, understand it is OK to buy something new from time to time, just try to keep your long term goals in mind when doing so. Our minimalist journey is set in place to help us approach possessions differently, not restrict us from them altogether. If you’re still iffy about making a purchase, sleep on it for a few days.

You may find you’re greeted with criticism or complaints from your friends and family, which could make your journey a difficult one to make. Again, I understand and have been there! Not everyone is going to be on board with your decision, but realize that the journey is YOURS to take; not theirs. In the end, what is going to be beneficial to you? Complying to their complaints, or making a lifestyle change that helps you to save money, enjoy less, and be overall happier? Become more self-confident in your journey, and you’ll find their critiques no longer bother you.

Remember, every minimalist journey is different – including the one you started with. We recommend you read Take Your Time On Your Minimalist Journey.  The journey you started with may no longer be the right journey for you. You may need to adjust slightly; give yourself a little more flexibility. The point is to create habits and changes that will help you in the long run, and ultimately help you reach happiness. If you need help with your journey, reach out to us! We’d love to hear from you.



For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

Purchase Your Copy on.... Amazon |  Nook   | Smashwords  | MIS Store

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