How Minimalism Can Increase Productivity

My Minimalist Lifestyle Increased My Productivity

Increasing Your Productivity It has always been easier for me to work in an uncluttered environment but I never realize how much more productive my minimalist lifestyle would make me.  Like most other people, I still had quite a bit of “stuff” on my desk and in my office before…

8 Tips To Stop Procrastinating

Do you often find yourself pushing off a task for hours/days at a time? Yeah, we’ve been there once or twice as well. Procrastination definitely takes hold of even the best of us at times. But when you need to get something done, finding that motivation is important. For example,…

Debating On A Minimalist Lifestyle? Now Is The Time.

Have you been researching a minimalist lifestyle?  Intrigued but not sure you want to make the switch?  What is holding you back? I have a few stats for you that may make you think otherwise: Total US household debt is $13 TRILLION  – that’s TRILLION! 15% of Americans are going…

Downsizing Your Home Enhances A Minimalist Lifestyle

One of the many good things about this site is that you get both ends of the minimalist lifestyle spectrum.  You get my “wiser” perspective in that it’s taken me about 30 years to get to where I currently am and you get my girl’s perspective and how they have…

Calm and Mindful Driving

Hi.  My name is Denise and I have to be honest, I have road rage.  My road rage isn’t as bad as it used to be but occasionally it rises to the top and I have a very hard time getting back to calm and mindful driving.  Being calm and…

A Minimalist Wardrobe

One of the questions we get the most is about having a minimalist wardrobe.  What exactly is a minimalist wardrobe?  The answer is as unique as the person asking the question.  There is no one answer to what qualifies as a minimalist wardrobe. When I was working in a corporate…

Making Progress Toward Your Minimalist Lifestyle? Be Aware.

I have to tell you that I’m LOVING my minimalist lifestyle. I have more time, more money, and best of all? More freedom. One of the best side benefits of my new lifestyle is that I have lost weight. I have lost more than 35 pounds over the past year….

Did The Start Part, Stop You From Moving Forward?

Minimalism – sounds like such a wonderfully, simplistic world doesn’t it? However, getting there? Not so simple some days as we make our way through years of stuff that we have accumulated.  Lifestyle changes from how we grew up also not so simple. So how far are you?  Let us…

Why Clean Up Your Personal Items

As I write this, I am in Ohio. As you may or may not know, my mother-in-law has been suffering from lung cancer. Last week she lost the battle. Even though it is very hard to lose a loved one, we all wanted her to let go so that she…

My Minimalist Lifestyle Has Helped Me Lose Weight

I’ve been gradually making my way down the minimalist pathway and have noticed an amazing side benefit. The minimalist lifestyle that I now live has helped me to lose weight. Can you imagine my surprise when I realized that this new journey is helping me to be healthier and more…

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