6 Types of Minimalists MinimalismIsSimple.com

Six Types of Minimalists. Which One Are You?

Our 7 Stages of Minimalism post was such a big hit, it spurred my inspiration for today’s post. Today’s post is another just for fun one – it’s silly and meant to be taken lightly! When it comes to minimalism – there is no one size fits all. You need…

How to declutter your office minimalismissimple.com

A Minimalists Office – How to Declutter Your Office

How to Declutter Your Office What are some of your most used rooms? Chances are you listed off your bedroom, bathroom, and maybe your kitchen or living room. But what about your office? Chances are you spent several hours a day in this space, especially if you work from home….

is minimalism for you minimalismissimple.com

Minimalist Lifestye: Is Minimalism Right For You?

Is Minimalism Right For You? Do you find yourself caught wishing you had more money, time, or energy for the more important items in your life? Do you wish you didn’t have so many bills expenses? Do you find yourself constantly trying to keep up with the Jones or Smiths,…

Minimalism: Cleaning Your Life

There’s still plenty left for me to do in my home to prepare for my new life in minimalism. I still have the hardest rooms left to tackle, my bedroom included. The rooms that carry the most memories and items. But during this process came another one, the process of…

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