Minimalist Lifestyle and Working From Home

The main question I always get when people find out I’m self-employed and work from home, is how was I able to make it happen.  Many dream of owning their own business but never get to the next step of actually doing it.  My journey to being able to work…

why should you choose minimalist lifestyle

Choosing The Minimalist Lifestyle

Choosing the Minimalist Lifestyle It has been a beautiful and fun weekend for me.  I enjoyed a 5K run for charity Saturday morning, hung out with the husband at home Saturday night and today, Sunday, has been a catch-up yet relaxing kind of day.  Life is good yet very simple….

Take Your Time On Your Minimalist Journey

Many folks get excited when they find out about my minimalist journey and often this excitement moves them to jump into their own minimalist – but often not successful – lifestyle.    Why are they not successful?  The reason is because they did not take the time to consider the…

8 ways to embrace minimalism

8 Simple Ways To Embrace Minimalism

The articles are floating everywhere: “How to spring clean!”, “Quick Tips to Spring Cleaning!”, and so on. I swear every time I log on to email, that little header on the side is featuring some form of quick scheme to clean your house (and sweeping everything under the bed is…

clutter hot spots

Put a STOP to Clutter “Hot Spots”

I recently walked around the house picking up random socks, dishes, and other odds and ends that have found temporary residence on the floor or tables and I noticed a trend in my home: there are certain spots within my house that always seem to accumulate clutter. Let’s call these…

Dear Stress Stranger

Dear Stressed Stranger

One of the best things that came along with my minimalist lifestyle?  My stress level decreased!  If you would have told me that minimalism would help me decrease the stress in my life I would have looked at you like you were crazy but I am beyond grateful for my…

Choosing a Business for your Minimalist Lifestyle

Have you been simplifying your life and enjoying your new minimalist lifestyle?  Have you decided it is now time to take a step away from driving to work every day and start your own business but not sure where to start?  First let me tell you good for you!!!  Becoming…

can money buy happiness

Yes Money Does Buy Happiness

Yes Money Does Buy Happiness This is the time of year that many of us minimalists truly dread. One of my recent posts was about the season of excess – and I stand by that post.  Today, however, my post is from the other side of the coin and how…

Minimalism and the Season of Excess

This year seems to be literally flying by and it got me to thinking today that the holidays are upon us first with Thanksgiving then with Christmas and New Year’s.  I no longer think of this time of year as the holidays – I think of it as the season…

Freedom With My Minimalist Lifestyle

Many of you know that my (Denise) journey into a minimalist lifestyle came later in life.  One thing I truly did not expect to experience with this lifestyle is the sense of freedom I now have and the sense of peace that came with this freedom.  It’s a wonderful feeling…

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