what does a minimalist lifestyle look like

What Does a Minimalist Lifestyle Really Look Like?

We’re back! Yes, we’ve been mia for a bit, but we’re back now starting from the beginning. What does a minimalist lifestyle look like? Let’s dig in.

Live A Minimalist Life In A Corporate World

One of the hardest things to reconcile when you live a minimalist life while working in the corporate world is the almost seeming clash between the two.  What is the best way for your minimalist self to coexist with your corporate side? One of the main reasons many choose a…

Did The Start Part, Stop You From Moving Forward?

Minimalism – sounds like such a wonderfully, simplistic world doesn’t it? However, getting there? Not so simple some days as we make our way through years of stuff that we have accumulated.  Lifestyle changes from how we grew up also not so simple. So how far are you?  Let us…

How to declutter your office minimalismissimple.com

A Minimalists Office – How to Declutter Your Office

How to Declutter Your Office What are some of your most used rooms? Chances are you listed off your bedroom, bathroom, and maybe your kitchen or living room. But what about your office? Chances are you spent several hours a day in this space, especially if you work from home….

Minimalism: Cleaning Your Life

There’s still plenty left for me to do in my home to prepare for my new life in minimalism. I still have the hardest rooms left to tackle, my bedroom included. The rooms that carry the most memories and items. But during this process came another one, the process of…

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