how to live a rich lifestyle

Minimalists Live A Rich Lifestyle

Rich.  How does that word make you feel?  Some people including many minimalists automatically feel negatively toward the word as if being rich is a bad thing and that being wealthy makes you a bad person.  Other folks are envious and strive to be rich – in the money sense…

Take Your Time On Your Minimalist Journey

Many folks get excited when they find out about my minimalist journey and often this excitement moves them to jump into their own minimalist – but often not successful – lifestyle.    Why are they not successful?  The reason is because they did not take the time to consider the…

8 ways to embrace minimalism

8 Simple Ways To Embrace Minimalism

The articles are floating everywhere: “How to spring clean!”, “Quick Tips to Spring Cleaning!”, and so on. I swear every time I log on to email, that little header on the side is featuring some form of quick scheme to clean your house (and sweeping everything under the bed is…

Minimalism A Trend?

My  mom visits each us each year to escape the cold winters in Cleveland, Ohio and she likes to watch “Good Morning America” while she’s drinking her coffee.  This morning as I was walking through the living room, mom was on the couch drinking her morning cup of coffee, watching…

How To Make Spring Cleaning Simple and Fast

Minimalism Makes Spring Cleaning Quick And Easy

It is already that time of year when many of us start – or at least start to THINK about Spring cleaning.  One of the best things that minimalism has done for me is decrease the amount of time that it takes to maintain my house no matter what season…

clutter hot spots

Put a STOP to Clutter “Hot Spots”

I recently walked around the house picking up random socks, dishes, and other odds and ends that have found temporary residence on the floor or tables and I noticed a trend in my home: there are certain spots within my house that always seem to accumulate clutter. Let’s call these…

Dear Stress Stranger

Dear Stressed Stranger

One of the best things that came along with my minimalist lifestyle?  My stress level decreased!  If you would have told me that minimalism would help me decrease the stress in my life I would have looked at you like you were crazy but I am beyond grateful for my…

Choosing a Business for your Minimalist Lifestyle

Have you been simplifying your life and enjoying your new minimalist lifestyle?  Have you decided it is now time to take a step away from driving to work every day and start your own business but not sure where to start?  First let me tell you good for you!!!  Becoming…

how to let go of your stuff

Learning To Let Go… Of Stuff

Reprint of one of our most popular articles.  How to let go of STUFF! With the Black Friday splurges over, we’re now approaching the next holidays for excess: Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. This holiday season instead of counting on the possessions you’ll be receiving, why not instead let go of what…

Minimalism and the Season of Excess

This year seems to be literally flying by and it got me to thinking today that the holidays are upon us first with Thanksgiving then with Christmas and New Year’s.  I no longer think of this time of year as the holidays – I think of it as the season…

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