Minimalism A Trend?

My  mom visits each us each year to escape the cold winters in Cleveland, Ohio and she likes to watch “Good Morning America” while she’s drinking her coffee.  This morning as I was walking through the living room, mom was on the couch drinking her morning cup of coffee, watching…

Be In The Moment, Happiness Is Right Now

It was a wonderful weekend in North Florida with the days starting off chilly but warming by afternoon.  I was feeling very stressed last week and by Friday evening, was not in much of a mood to do anything but sleep – I was that tired.  Have you ever felt…

20 Tips to Stop Worrying

Holidays are meant to be fun, exciting, and spent with loved ones but often they become hectic, cluttered, and stressful. We become agitated, antsy, and impatient when stress hits us, not to mention the risk of weight gain and other mood swings that stress brings along. I’m one of the…

Virtual Disconnect and Black Friday

With Thanksgiving here it’s important to spend time with loved ones. Whether its with family, friends, pets, etc. This year, I’ll be traveling to the country side of Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. During this time, we will be disconnecting from the computer. It’s important to disconnect from…

Life of a Minimalist: It Won’t Be Easy, But It’ll Be Worth It.

One important thing to note is that minimalism varies for everyone. What one person considers to be minimalist, another may consider to be indulgent and another may consider frugal. What’s more is there will always be someone feeling the need to voice their opinions about your new life changes. I’ve…

Minimalist Packing – VLOG

Last week I headed to Ohio. Before going, I needed to pack, of course. I made the decision to let my new lifestyle carry over to Ohio, by limiting what I took with me. You can see everything in the video below. The video is shaky so you can treat…

How to declutter your office

A Minimalists Office – How to Declutter Your Office

How to Declutter Your Office What are some of your most used rooms? Chances are you listed off your bedroom, bathroom, and maybe your kitchen or living room. But what about your office? Chances are you spent several hours a day in this space, especially if you work from home….

Minimalism: Cleaning Your Life

There’s still plenty left for me to do in my home to prepare for my new life in minimalism. I still have the hardest rooms left to tackle, my bedroom included. The rooms that carry the most memories and items. But during this process came another one, the process of…

stop worrying about the joneses minimalismissimple

Eliminate the need to “keep up” thru a life of minimalism

We all know the sayings, there’s always someone to keep up with. And I’m sure we’re all aware of the consequences from keeping up with such-and-such. That $400 car payment, $300 credit card payment, $1000 mortgage payment, etc. is plenty proof of the consequences. Next thing you know you’re spending…

how to simplify your life. taking the first steps toward a minimalist lifestyle. minimalismissimple

How to Simplify Life: The First Step into Minimalism

The Why: I discovered I have too much “stuff”. I discovered I’m not living the way someone “should” to be happy. I place these items in “” as these vary from person to person. There are no set rules on how someone should behave, should live, and what items can…

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