Minimalists Want A Better World

Driving back with my husband from Cleveland after a funeral and the Phil Collins song, Land of Confusion is on the radio. I’m a child of the 70’s and 80’s but listening to the song today felt like I was listening to it for the first time. The song talks…

Minimalist Living With A Non-Minimalist. Oh Boy

I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of support to the post about our family member in stage 4 lung cancer.  It is a rough time for our family but the support we received after the post told us that we have a warm, concerned community.  It also told…

Why Minimalism Is Better – At Least For Me

This is going to be a very personal post from me on why minimalism is better for me at this time in my life.  I may be very candid at some points but please understand that this is my perspective. Many of you know from reading our blog, that I…

Minimalism in Life: A New Minimalist You?

Another year has gone by and we find ourselves knocking on the door to 2013. Are you ready? Are we ever really ready? Every year as we come closer and closer to January 1 of the next year, I clean. I clean, clean, clean. Last year was the first in…

Minimalism: Why Didn’t I Find This Path 30 Years Ago?

As I am making my way down the minimalism path, I find myself thinking that I wish that I had found this path 30 years ago.  My life today would be drastically different.  I am, however, at a very different place in my life now but back then, I found…

Challenging the way you think about minimalism

Do you have 100 items or less? An iphone? An all white house? Not a single item out of place in your home and nothing “unnecessary”? So what! Before you begin jumping to conclusion that minimalism is not for you simply because you have 101 items, a fancy iphone or…

How To Have A Minimalists Inbox – Minimalism On The Job

I worked very hard to get a business up and running that allowed us to move to a rural part of Florida and live less.  Less stress, less commute as our business is on our land, and less expenses.  One thing I guard carefully is my time  Recently I took…

How to declutter your office

A Minimalists Office – How to Declutter Your Office

How to Declutter Your Office What are some of your most used rooms? Chances are you listed off your bedroom, bathroom, and maybe your kitchen or living room. But what about your office? Chances are you spent several hours a day in this space, especially if you work from home….

Minimalism: Cleaning Your Life

There’s still plenty left for me to do in my home to prepare for my new life in minimalism. I still have the hardest rooms left to tackle, my bedroom included. The rooms that carry the most memories and items. But during this process came another one, the process of…

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