Practicing Mindful Living

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Today’s post is a little different than our normal decluttering and minimalism tips, but it’s a practice I have found that has complimented my minimalist lifestyle. Recently I’ve been trying to make an effort to live more “mindfully,” and I wanted to share with you today the benefits I’ve found and ways that you can incorporate mindful living in with your everyday activities.

As minimalists, we’re already mindful of what we bring into our homes. We ponder over purchases before making them, we consider the pros and cons of holding on to an item, and we take our decluttering in strides. For me, when I purge my home of belongings I make sure I am fully in the moment during my sessions, and limit the distractions. After, I always have a sense of peace come over me when I have finished decluttering.  In a way, this is a form of “mindfulness.” I wondered what would happen if I extended this mindfulness and applied it to everything I did. The results were something to brag about.

The first thing I applied my mindfulness to was cooking. I made sure to be fully in the moment as I prepared a meal, and the meal was phenomenal! What did I do? First, I turned off the TV and put away my phone. Next, I acknowledged EVERYTHING that I was doing. When I pulled the tomato out of the fridge, I felt the coldness on its skin, the firmness of the meat, and admired the ripe red color. As I was slicing in to the tomato, I took a moment to smell it and taste it. I was PRESENT in every action and step that I took as I prepared my recipe, and this action gave me with the ability savor my meal even more.

When I went grocery shopping, read a book, or spent time with friends, I made sure I was fully there. I heard every word spoken and allowed the weight to sink in, took my time to find just the right food items, and allowed myself to be fully transported by the book I was reading without distractions. Even when I was in a crowded room or engulfed with work, I forced myself to be there in each moment.

Was it all easy? No. Did it take time to adjust? Yes. But once I adjusted to being present in the moment, I found I enjoyed myself more and felt relaxed after. There was nothing pulling my attention in multiple directions.

How can we incorporate mindfulness in to our everyday lives? Just as I did above, BE PRESENT. Take in everything and do not allow yourself to be distracted. Be in the moment. Need help learning how to be present? Try practicing yoga or meditation. These courses are often led by a talented instructor who will guide you into a state of mindfulness and relaxation.

Once you have mastered mindfulness you’ll be able to apply it not only to your decluttering sessions, but to everything you do, and trust me – it’s worth it!




For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

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