Choosing The Minimalist Lifestyle

why should you choose minimalist lifestyle

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Choosing the Minimalist Lifestyle

It has been a beautiful and fun weekend for me.  I enjoyed a 5K run for charity Saturday morning, hung out with the husband at home Saturday night and today, Sunday, has been a catch-up yet relaxing kind of day.  Life is good yet very simple.  Was my life always this way? No.  I used to be the crazy woman trying to cram everything into the 2 day weekend in an attempt to catch up from being at work all week long.   What changed was I made a conscious decision to choose the minimalist lifestyle I now live for many reasons and have been very happy with that decision.  I make an abundant living from my home, my way and I am quite content.

There are many ways and reasons that minimalists have come to be on the path they are on and each decision that leads to those choices are unique.

There is no one size fits all approach.  For me, it first started because I welcomed the ease from having less in my life but it quickly developed into wanting to leave a smaller footprint on this planet we call home.  Once you take a step back from the “must have” mindset and really think about what your choices mean in the big scheme of things, it is is easier to embrace a simple lifestyle where you only use what you must use.  Living a life of less stress is a direct result of not having to “have” it all. Click here for How To Begin Living A Minimalist Lifestyle.

As a result of being conscious of my minimalist living, my focus now is more on the world we live in, leaving it a better place for our children and their children.  When you take the time to really look at the state of the world, it is not a pretty scenario.  As long as we continue to believe war is the answer to everything, that kindness doesn’t matter, that there is no climate change and that the oceans are not dying, nothing will change and for me that is unacceptable. Continuing my minimalist lifestyle is what I believe I am morally obliged to do in an effort to not only walk the walk but to help inform people that we as humans cannot continue down the path we have been traveling for many decades.

why should you choose minimalist lifestyle

What I am not saying is that you have to get rid of everything in your house and live off the land by candlelight – that is not answer and I truly hope that is not what is taken away from this article. What I am saying is simply being more aware and informed provides us with the knowledge to make each decision wisely from what we purchase, to how we use it, to where we purchase it from and to what we recycle is the first step toward healing our planet.    Everyone has to determine where their personal comfort level lies but I do hope the one thing people will get is that each of us is responsible for the decisions we make.  Let’s make wise ones.




For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

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