10 Easy Ways to Minimize and Organize Your Kitchen for a Minimalist Lifestyle

10 Easy Ways to Minimize and Organize Your Kitchen for a Minimalist Lifestyle: Keep What You Need, Let Go of the Rest

10 Easy Ways to Minimize and Organize Your Kitchen for a Minimalist Lifestyle: Keep What You Need, Let Go of the Rest

what is a minimalist mindset

What Is A Minimalist Mindset? Understanding The Basics

A minimalist mindset is a philosophy of living that focuses on simplifying one’s life by reducing clutter, both physical and mental. Find out how to live a life that is intentional.

Declutter Your Life: Minimalist Lifestyle Tips

Declutter Your Life: Minimalist Lifestyle Tips

Decluttering can be a daunting task, but it’s an essential step in embracing a minimalist lifestyle. By eliminating excess belongings, individuals can create a more peaceful and organized living environment.

minimalist living with someone who is not minimalist minimimalismsimple

Minimalist Lifestyle: Living With Someone Who Is Not A Minimalist

Living Together Dating A Minimalist: Your shared spaces are the trickiest areas. You may feel tempted to fill these with items to make the space feel warm and inviting, but your partner may prefer empty walls. Best advice here? Compromise. Ideas include: Select just one wall for wall decorations Limit knick-knacks…

How to clean quickly by living minimally minimalismissimple.com

Spring Cleaning Minimalist Style

NOTE:  This essay was originally published April 1, 2015 but it is actually fitting no matter what time of year it is. Enjoy! Wow! April 1st.  Can you believe it’s April Fool’s Day?  This year is flying by – at least it is for me. Many of us think of…

10 for 10: Decluttering Tasks You Can Tackle in the Morning

We’re all busy in the mornings – that’s usually the time we’re bustling about trying to rush out the door in time. Here’s a brilliant idea – we’re introducing a new challenge. We’re challenging you to tackle 10 tasks in under 10 minutes. We’ll call it 10 for 10! Sounds great,…

Weird and Quirky Cleaning Habits From A Minimalist

It’s time we got personal. Over the weekend I did some cleaning and realized I have some unusual cleaning habits. What better way to embarrass myself than by spilling my “dirty laundry” with everyone. Here are three of my cleaning methods that others may find weird (but hey! They work…

Decluttering Tips For Our Most Cluttered Spaces

Here are 7 decluttering tips for some of our most cluttered spaces! Cluttered cabinets? Take the doors off the cabinets. You’re less likely to overstuff those cabinets if the contents are visible. There’s plenty of options here. You can remove the doors and organize the contents, you can opt for…

Minimalist Decor: Organizing Craft Rooms

We know! We’ve been a bit scarce in updating our minimalist decor category. No worries though, today we have a new installment of the Minimalist Decor series – organizing craft rooms!!  Our Minimalist Decor series features a different room, posted once a month. Today we’re focusing on craft rooms!! Craft rooms (or…

questions for decluttering MinimalismIsSimple.com

Minimalist Checklist: Questions To Ask Yourself When Decluttering

It’s a printable today. If you want a handy minimalist checklist available while you are decluttering and downsizing, here you go! Should you downsize? Do you feel crowded in your home? Do you feel suffocated? Do you find yourself wishing you had less? Do you feel held back by your stuff? Do you…

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