10 for 10 Minimalist Challenge: When You Get Home

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Now that you’ve had plenty of time to complete the first four segments in our 10 for 10 minimalist challenge, let’s move along in our challenge. Our next segment is: When You Get Home! 10 tasks you can complete in 10 minutes whenever you return home. This can be after work, after the grocery store, etc.

10 things to declutter when you get home mis

Continue these tasks for the next 10 days and keep your mind on the present moment. Remember, we’re limiting each task to one one minute! It’s sometimes difficult to limit ourselves to just one minute when cleaning, but remember – we’re doing these tasks for the next 10 days.

10 For 10 – Segment Five: Returning Home

We just walked in the door from wherever we were (work, gym, school, meetings, etc.). Before you plop down on the couch or sit down to eat, take just 10 minutes to complete the following:

1. Pick up your shoes: And anything else you may have just dropped when you walked in the door. We’re tired, we just got home, we don’t want to be bothered – it takes less than a minute to pick up shoes, jackets, wallets, etc.

2. Designate a “drop-off” spot: Now, instead of dropping off items at the first available surface, make it a point to place your items in their designated “drop-off” spot. For example, a small basket by the front door can collect keys, spare change, wallets, etc. Hooks behind the door can hold your purse and jackets. Make it a point every day to place items in their designated “drop-off” spots.

3. Declutter the “drop-off” spots: Take a minute and declutter your “drop-off” spots. Avoid leaving things sitting in their “drop-off” spot for too long. Our “drop-off” spots are meant for items we use every day. If an items has been sitting for longer than 2 days, it should be decluttered or relocated.

4. Toss unnecessary receipts: If you have a stack of receipts in your wallet, pockets, or purse take a moment every day to sort through them. Recycle what you don’t need and file away what you do.

5. Sort through your mail: Take a minute today and sort through the mail you brought in or sort through the mail you’ve been pushing off. Recycle what you no longer need.

6. Clear the dining table: If your dining table (or counters, or coffee table, etc.) has previously been your landing pad for items when you walk in the door, take a minute and begin decluttering it. We now have designated “drop-off” spots. Let’s reclaim these surfaces.

7. Pick up 10 items: And return them to where they belong. This can be toys, clothing, dishes, etc.

8. Declutter any trash: Another task we’re borrowing from the morning, but it only makes sense. Toss the trash! Trash is one of the leading contributors to clutter, so take a minute and declutter any trash, including empty bottles, newspapers, receipts, food containers, etc.

9. Cleanup paperwork: All paperwork. Yours & your kids. Get into the habit of filing your business documents at the end of the night, and help your children get into the habit of putting away their homework.

10. Relax for one minute: Let’s just relax for one minute. No TV, radio, cell phones, etc. This one is probably going to be the hardest task out of all of them. Just… sit.

*8 & 9 are pretty standard for the past tasks – let’s keep them up!

Keep It Up!

The key to seeing results is to make sure you’re not cluttering up what you’ve accomplished every morning later in the day. Spending a minute each morning on these little tasks will help to cement them in your mind – try to stay aware of these throughout the day. This will also be a great experience for living more mindfully and staying aware of your actions throughout the day. Sounds like a win-win in my book!

10 For 10 – What Is It?

For part three, we’re going to tackle 10 decluttering tasks you can complete midday – all tasks can be completed (together) in under 10 minutes! Give about a minute for each task – these are not elaborate tasks, but as you do them everyday for 10 days the time spent will add up – soon you’ll be doing them in 30 seconds or less!

We’re limiting the time to each task to ONE MINUTE only. Often times we become overwhelmed with the amount we need to do to declutter and organize. Don’t stress!! You’ll be surprised by how much you can accomplish in a minute – and by limiting the time we spend on each task, we can also limit the stress and anxiety tied to decluttering and organizing. Remember, we’ll be doing these tasks over the next 10 days (and you may even keep going longer, if you choose) so there’s plenty of time here.

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For tips on how to begin your decluttering journey, you can Start Here, or snag a copy of the 30 Day Challenge (our Minimalism and Decluttering eBook).

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